Who Do You Think You Are?

Social creatures, we swim in matrices of identity and desire like fish in water.

Swimming in the vast & mysterious ocean of existence, ever-adapting to differing currents and roles. We remain malleable in our identities as environments, feelings, desires, and circumstances shift…..sometimes.

Other times, our concepts of identity become stifled. Desire and truth no longer flows freely through us, moving our world with effortless grace. We adhere or cling to ways of being that don’t feel great anymore (if they ever did!)

Longing for the ocean, we instead seem to find ourselves in a stagnant little aquarium, moving in ways that feel hopelessly limited, within spaces, habits, and identities that we have outgrown.

Sometimes we don’t even know that we have boxed ourselves in with what we thought we wanted, until we notice that we have been treading water for quite some time…. and the scenery isn’t changing.

This can happen for so many reasons!

The deepest and greatest transformations are wrought at the level of identity. This fact is a sword that cuts both ways.

All that has the power to liberate also holds the power to limit….the poison IS the medicine.

If you happen to find yourself in a funky fishbowl I described, I deeply encourage you to feed your desire to re-invent by asking this question often:

“Who am I?”

Without clinging to any one answer, needing a ‘right’ answer, or needing it to be true forever.

Playfully, seriously, tearfully, with utmost hilarity at the absurdity of it all:

Keep asking.

Notice the emotional colors and textures of any repeating stories.

Notice the flashes of seemingly ‘out-of-place’ and strange images and desires.

Malleability, listening, and compassion in observing the answers arising from this question will lead us back into the endless oceans we are here to traverse, in time.

Ever-moving, ever-exploring, as the curious and incredibly versatile creatures we are.

It seems to me that the more we see ourselves, in all humility and accountability, as creators of our own identity…..the more power we grant ourselves to shape it consciously.

Truly a magical thing, this creative process of becoming and un-becoming.

Through my coaching practice, it is my honor to encourage and hold space for transformation.

In deep listening, I create a container of witnessing…..intuitively sharing holistic practices to guide your journey, rapidly working potent and positive change at the level of identity.

When what you think you want is replaced with full conviction and trust in yourself as Creator/creatrix of your heart’s desire……

You will change your world from the inside out.

When we remember our power to create and dismantle old identities at will, we can’t help but shamelessly create utopia.

So, what is your deepest desire?

The thing you most yearn for, that feels stupid or even crazy to say out loud?

The haunting longing that feels like both the best and worst thing in the world, brilliantly gleaming at you from the dusty closet you tried to stuff it in?

Show me that, and I will show you the latent DNA of your heart’s desire…..patiently waiting for you to give it the highest honor of form.

XO, Natalia Sova


Taking the Left Hand Path


The Choice is Yours