“The world has waited long enough for you to cultivate your brilliance, all there is left for you to do is walk outside and mirror the sun.”
Above all things, I am a lover of the muse, nature, and the cosmos.
I live steeped deeply in connection to the planets, the body, and intersecting realms of art, magic, healing, and poetry.
You could say it is truly my cup of tea.
Years ago, I decided that living disconnected and uninspired was no longer for me.
My heart and body reached a crossroads.
I choose the path of making space for radical honesty, healing, sovereignty, wellness, and free expression in my life, and the lives of others. Maybe you’re on this path too?
Just as a river returns to the ocean, I am on a journey of intention to share the tools that have grown me with those who can benefit.
The practices and teachings I offer are nourished by the deep and rich traditions of Tantra, Daoism, and Hermeticism.
I have the incredible honor of receiving the wisdom of countless brilliant teachers and clients over the years. I am constantly educating myself. Refining my methods and tools is a way of life.
Here I am, rising to meet the sun. How can I best serve you?