Readings with me
This is not your Grandma’s Tarot reading…. unless you had a very witchy Grandma!
This is more like your great, great, great, great Grandma’s Tarot reading.
Tarot from a time when listening and noticing was considered a magical art, and Oracle was province of feminine wisdom-keepers.
I draw from many years of study, experience, and practice to interpret subtle energies and occult symbolism…..helping you see the extraordinary within what seems ordinary at first glance.
I hail from a lineage of magical women, women who used their voice and wisdom as both balm and weapon, medicine and poison…. Women whose dreams and songs were filled with visions of worlds yet to be born.
Giving readings is a psychic art form: using subtle energy, deep listening, and matrices of symbolism, we co-create a masterpiece of renewal and clarity.
Together, we use the reflections and energies that come forth from within your field to aid you in releasing the past, embracing the power of the present, and plotting future action towards your heart’s desires.
In matters of love, material concern, creativity, conflict, and life purpose, it is my great joy and pleasure to see you gain a new sense of direction, to tell your stories in a more empowered way.
As within, so without. The more we can explore our inner landscape, the more we see that we are powerful agents of change. When what is inside of us changes, the external has a chance to catch up!
It is my pleasure and honor to hold space for spirit to work through us…..with subtle interpretation, wisdom, and compassion.
XO, Natalia Sova